BLM Protester Sues After Trump’s ‘Terror Campaign Against Portlanders’ – Rolling Stone

A Portland protester snatched off the street by federal agents in an unmarked van is alleging gross violations of her constitutional rights.

Source: BLM Protester Sues After Trump’s ‘Terror Campaign Against Portlanders’ – Rolling Stone

A protester who was snatched off the street by camouflaged government agents and shoved into an unmarked minivan during the federal crackdown on Black Lives Matter demonstrations in Portland has filed a lawsuit claiming her core constitutional rights were violated.

In mid-July 2020, Evelyn Bassi got swept up in one of the darkest episodes of the Trump administration when she was grabbed by armed federal agents, detained in a van against her will, and frisked before ultimately being let go. Her new lawsuit claims that her “illegal abduction” was feature of a “terror campaign against Portlanders” orchestrated by then-President Trump, intended to “intimidate the public and chill free speech.”

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