Scott Warren’s Trial Shows Risks of Being Migrant Aid Worker | Time

Story UPDATE – Scott Warren Aquitted

On the afternoon of Jan. 17, 2018, immigration agents descended on a building on the outskirts of Ajo known to be a staging area for aid workers like Warren, who leave water and food in remote desert locations for migrants crossing on foot from Mexico and offer medical care to those in need. Warren was there, speaking with two Central American men who’d recently made the trek. The agents bundled the three men into vehicles and drove to the Ajo Border Patrol station, where Warren spent the night. The next day, he was driven two hours to Tucson, where he was charged with three felony counts: two of harboring undocumented migrants and one of conspiracy to transport and harbor undocumented migrants. The Central American men eventually were deported.

Source: Scott Warren’s Trial Shows Risks of Being Migrant Aid Worker | Time

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